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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria

Received: 2 September 2021     Accepted: 24 September 2021     Published: 15 October 2021
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Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. It comprises of the damages done to the physical, chemical and biological properties of water due to anthropogenic activities. Such damages could have serious detrimental effects on the quality and suitability of the water and even the aquatic organisms in the water, for any use. In view of this, levels of Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr and Cd were evaluated in water, fish (Brycinus nurse) and sediment from Atabong River in Okobo, Nigeria, during the dry and wet seasons in order to ascertain the suitability of the water and fish for human use. Samples were digested according to standard methods and analysed using Unicam 939/935 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Physicochemical parameters were also quantified in the water samples using standard procedures. The results revealed variable levels of the investigated physicochemical parameters in the water samples from each of the sampling stations. For instance, dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged from 4.2 to 5.25 mg/L in the two seasons. Trace metals levels in water followed the trend: Cr > Ni > Mn = Cd > Pb, and Cr > Ni > Cd > Mn >Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In sediment, the trend was: Mn > Cd > Cr > Ni > Pb, and Cr > Cd > Ni > Mn > Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In fish, it was: Cr > Mn = Cd > Ni > Pb and Mn > Ni > Cr = Cd > Pb. The trace metals levels in water, fish and sediment were below the permissible limits stipulated by WHO and USEPA. Bioaccumulation factor analysis revealed the trend: Pb > Mn > Ni > Cr > Cd for dry season and Mn > Pb > Ni > Cd > Cr for wet season with regards to fish pollution status. Health risk assessment due to consumption of fish, water and dermal contact with the water, showed low risk as the hazard quotient and hazard index were less than unity in each case. In conclusion, the analysed fish, water and sediment contained variable levels of the investigated trace metals and the levels were below the limits that could cause toxicity in humans consuming the water and fish at the time of the study. For the purpose of monitoring and documentation, periodic investigation of the investigated trace metals in the river system is highly recommended.

Published in Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Volume 9, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.sjac.20210904.11
Page(s) 77-87
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Elemental Analyses, AAS, Water, Fish, Sediment, Pollution, Atabong River

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  • APA Style

    Emmanuel Isaac Uwah, Raphael Umoh Okon, Essien Daniel Udosen, Okon Monday Udoidiong. (2021). Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria. Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 9(4), 77-87. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjac.20210904.11

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    ACS Style

    Emmanuel Isaac Uwah; Raphael Umoh Okon; Essien Daniel Udosen; Okon Monday Udoidiong. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria. Sci. J. Anal. Chem. 2021, 9(4), 77-87. doi: 10.11648/j.sjac.20210904.11

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    AMA Style

    Emmanuel Isaac Uwah, Raphael Umoh Okon, Essien Daniel Udosen, Okon Monday Udoidiong. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria. Sci J Anal Chem. 2021;9(4):77-87. doi: 10.11648/j.sjac.20210904.11

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      title = {Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria},
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      abstract = {Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. It comprises of the damages done to the physical, chemical and biological properties of water due to anthropogenic activities. Such damages could have serious detrimental effects on the quality and suitability of the water and even the aquatic organisms in the water, for any use. In view of this, levels of Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr and Cd were evaluated in water, fish (Brycinus nurse) and sediment from Atabong River in Okobo, Nigeria, during the dry and wet seasons in order to ascertain the suitability of the water and fish for human use. Samples were digested according to standard methods and analysed using Unicam 939/935 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Physicochemical parameters were also quantified in the water samples using standard procedures. The results revealed variable levels of the investigated physicochemical parameters in the water samples from each of the sampling stations. For instance, dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged from 4.2 to 5.25 mg/L in the two seasons. Trace metals levels in water followed the trend: Cr > Ni > Mn = Cd > Pb, and Cr > Ni > Cd > Mn >Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In sediment, the trend was: Mn > Cd > Cr > Ni > Pb, and Cr > Cd > Ni > Mn > Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In fish, it was: Cr > Mn = Cd > Ni > Pb and Mn > Ni > Cr = Cd > Pb. The trace metals levels in water, fish and sediment were below the permissible limits stipulated by WHO and USEPA. Bioaccumulation factor analysis revealed the trend: Pb > Mn > Ni > Cr > Cd for dry season and Mn > Pb > Ni > Cd > Cr for wet season with regards to fish pollution status. Health risk assessment due to consumption of fish, water and dermal contact with the water, showed low risk as the hazard quotient and hazard index were less than unity in each case. In conclusion, the analysed fish, water and sediment contained variable levels of the investigated trace metals and the levels were below the limits that could cause toxicity in humans consuming the water and fish at the time of the study. For the purpose of monitoring and documentation, periodic investigation of the investigated trace metals in the river system is highly recommended.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment of Atabong River, Nigeria
    AU  - Emmanuel Isaac Uwah
    AU  - Raphael Umoh Okon
    AU  - Essien Daniel Udosen
    AU  - Okon Monday Udoidiong
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    AB  - Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. It comprises of the damages done to the physical, chemical and biological properties of water due to anthropogenic activities. Such damages could have serious detrimental effects on the quality and suitability of the water and even the aquatic organisms in the water, for any use. In view of this, levels of Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr and Cd were evaluated in water, fish (Brycinus nurse) and sediment from Atabong River in Okobo, Nigeria, during the dry and wet seasons in order to ascertain the suitability of the water and fish for human use. Samples were digested according to standard methods and analysed using Unicam 939/935 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Physicochemical parameters were also quantified in the water samples using standard procedures. The results revealed variable levels of the investigated physicochemical parameters in the water samples from each of the sampling stations. For instance, dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged from 4.2 to 5.25 mg/L in the two seasons. Trace metals levels in water followed the trend: Cr > Ni > Mn = Cd > Pb, and Cr > Ni > Cd > Mn >Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In sediment, the trend was: Mn > Cd > Cr > Ni > Pb, and Cr > Cd > Ni > Mn > Pb for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In fish, it was: Cr > Mn = Cd > Ni > Pb and Mn > Ni > Cr = Cd > Pb. The trace metals levels in water, fish and sediment were below the permissible limits stipulated by WHO and USEPA. Bioaccumulation factor analysis revealed the trend: Pb > Mn > Ni > Cr > Cd for dry season and Mn > Pb > Ni > Cd > Cr for wet season with regards to fish pollution status. Health risk assessment due to consumption of fish, water and dermal contact with the water, showed low risk as the hazard quotient and hazard index were less than unity in each case. In conclusion, the analysed fish, water and sediment contained variable levels of the investigated trace metals and the levels were below the limits that could cause toxicity in humans consuming the water and fish at the time of the study. For the purpose of monitoring and documentation, periodic investigation of the investigated trace metals in the river system is highly recommended.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

  • Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Environmental Management, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

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